Isabella Freedman/Adamah Farm Community Day

Come to Isabella Freedman for a day of fun activities including pickling, outdoor skill building and a farm tour. All are welcome! Light Refreshments will be provided. 

Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center
116 Johnson Road, Falls Village, CT
Sunday, September 29, 2024

This event is free. Donations are welcome. 
Registrant Information

Optional Demographic Questions
We strive to make our programs as diverse, equitable, and inclusive as possible. Knowing more about you helps us do that. We acknowledge that identity is complex and that your identity may not fit into these categories. The following questions are optional, but strongly encouraged.

Adamah Photography / Social Media Waiver
By checking the box below, I give permission to Adamah and its programs (including Isabella Freedman, Pearlstone, Adamah Detroit, Jewish Youth Climate Movement, and others), to use any photograph, likeness, audio recording, video recording and/or depiction of me, and/or my name, to promote Adamah and its programs, in all media now known or hereafter developed, including print, electronic and/or digital media, such as brochures, advertisements, annual reports, social media and Internet websites. 
If you wish not to consent to this policy, check the box below to complete your registration and email us immediately at, with "PHOTO WITHHOLD" as the subject line. Make sure that you receive a confirmation notice stating that we have received your request before the start of the program.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation of any size to support Adamah's work.

Credit Card Information