Register for the Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition

The form below is for the organization’s chief executive or rabbi to complete. By completing this form, your organization commits to the following:

  • Organization’s chief executive or rabbi affirms "We recognize the urgency of the climate crisis and our obligation to do more;
  • Designate a staff liaison to coordinate the organization's climate action;
  • Fill out, submit, and implement organizational Climate Action Plans annually. Climate Action Plans have no minimum requirements as they are dependent on each organization’s circumstances. Adamah will provide a variety of resources and support to help organizations fill out the Climate Action Plan submission form and implement the plan.
If you have questions about these requirements or about the registration form below, please feel free to contact us at

This form below is for the organization’s chief executive or rabbi to complete.

About Your Organization

About You (Chief Executive or Rabbi)

Staff Liaison
The staff liaison will represent your organization in Coalition meetings and webinars and coordinate the organization's climate action work.